Friday, August 28, 2009

Things you will always find in my car

Since I spend so much time driving for work, it often feels like I live in my car. And maybe I could, considering all of the shit that is in there on a regular basis.

- A half full bottle of water

- A yoga mat

- Small first aid kit

- Jumper cables, flares, and a tire patching kit, all in a neat little car emergency kit

- Gym towel

- Hands free headset/earphones

- Hand wipes

- Baseball cap

- Garmin GPS

- A granola bar

- Pens

- Suntan lotion

- A blanket

- Book on learning Italian (this really needs to go, I have no idea why it is still in there)

Interestingly enough, most of this shit is tucked away pretty neatly. I swear I do not drive the equivalent to a rolling dumpster.


Anonymous cynthia newberry martin said...

I love this post. It made me want to make a list of what is in my car. So here goes:
-2 half full bottles of water
-2 exercise mats (1 for my trainer)
-cloth grocery bags
-random CDs
-an empty blue basket
-copies of One Story
-flashlight and extra batteries
-pens and paper
-Edgar Sawtelle on CD
-3 umbrellas (?)
-a back-up of my computer

yes,and mine is all neat too

5:11 PM  

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